Every time more specialists criticize official data about the level of unemployment in Argentina. "Suspicious unemployment data" headlined its report of the Center for the Study of the New Economy (Cene, for its acronym in Spanish), headed by former director of Indec Victor Beker at the University of Belgrano (UB).
According to the document, when the results of the Permanent Household Survey (EPH, for its acronym in Spanish) for the last quarter of 2014 are geographically analyzed "extremely striking facts emerge". As an example, they said that Gran Resistencia (Chaco) the unemployment rate is zero and underemployment, 0.2 percent. " Also draws attention the activity rate for that agglomerate. While the national level it is 45.2% for Gran Resistencia is only 29.4%," clarified. In 2011, the same survey estimated an activity rate in 38.8 percent. "This takes you suspect that the marked decline in the activity rate conceals actually an increase in the unemployment rate," he added.
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